The power of thought is as invisible as the seed from which a huge tree grows; but it is the origin of any visible changes in a man’s life.
Leo Tolstoy,
Russian writer
In the beginning was the thought. And then there’s the word. Any change in your life starts at the moment when you become aware of the power of thoughts and words. Have you ever tried talking to yourself out loud when you’re on your own? This may seem weird to you at first, but why don’t you give it a try? Don’t dismiss the idea without even having tried it – it really works! As soon as you’ve got out of bed, recite your three most important goals to yourself in a loud voice. Immediately after you get up, your subconscious is more susceptible to the power of auto-suggestive messages than at any other time. This is because you’re still a bit tired and your critical mind is not yet active enough to raise objections against what you’re telling yourself. If your goals are of a financial nature, for example, simply tell yourself as soon as you’ve got up in the morning: “By the end of the year, I want to be worth xxx dollars; my subconscious will show me how to get there.” Those words are like seeds that will grow into beautiful flowers or mighty trees if they are fertilized on a regular basis. Your thoughts will supply the fertilizer.
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